Wanda Smith, longtime V-103 morning radio host, has died || Wanda Smith Net worth

2024-10-16 3

Wanda Smith, longtime V-103 morning radio host, has died || Wanda Smith Net worth

#WandaSmith​ #AtlantaRadioLegend​ #RIPWandaSmith​ #V103​ #TributeToWandaSmith​ #GoneTooSoon​ #AtlantaEntertainment​ #WandaSmithLegacy​

We have lost a significant voice in the Atlanta entertainment scene. According to Rick Caffey, Senior Vice President and Market Manager of Atlanta's V-103 radio, Wanda Smith, a well-known radio personality, passed away on Saturday. Just one day had passed since the celebrity's birthday celebration.

"We are grieving the loss of our dear Wanda Smith, who was a longtime member of V-103 and always made us smile. Her loss has left a heavier weight on our hearts today. We send her family our sincere condolences and prayers," Caffey wrote on Instagram.

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